
A couple who miraculously survived 9/11 prayed through the harrowing time.

A couple who miraculously survived 9/11 prayed through the harrowing time.

September 11 is a time to remember the Thousands of victims who died in the 2001 terrorist attacks. It's Also a day to victims thanks for Those Who miraculously survived. Jean and Dan Potter live a peaceful life in a quiet, suburban town in New York. It's a strong contrast to 15 years ago, When The couple was living in a Manhattan apartment just a few blocks from the World Trade Center. Jean worked on the 81st floor of the first tower hit on the morning of 9/11. "All of a sudden, this massive explosion rocked the building, and we literally swayed from side to side," Jean told CBN News . "And what first came to me is, 'This is not your time." Jean believes it was the voice of God - loud and clear - a message in the midst of chaos. Jean made ​​it to the staircase as the floor Became engulfed in flames. "My heart was palpitating a mile a minute as I was going down the staircase," she recounted. "and what finns came to me is, 'You and Dan will be blessed with a beautiful life. You will go north. ' "And I saw like green trees. This is all the while this is happening, and I'm in a very nervous state, but the messages were coming in," she said. Jean believes God was reassuring her and prodding her to keep moving down the staircase. Covered in ash, Dan, the battered firefighters refused to give up his search for his wife and went back to Their apartment. 

 Dan pounded on the door, but no one answered. It was then he thought That he had lost Jean. The overwhelmed firefighters then left the building and sat on a nearby bench and prayed. It was at that moment That an Associated Press photographer snapped a photo of him, a photo That would be seen around the world. "I'm praying to Jesus, praying for clarity ... '" Dan explained in reference to the photo. Dan believes Jesus directed him to go back to the apartment. Of according to the CBN report Jean was safe. "We are so grateful for what Jesus has done in our life," Jean says. Jean chronicles the couple's amazing story of survival in the book, By the Grace of God, A 9/11 Survivor's Story of Love, Hope, and Healing . "He was with all of us That Day, and I do not want people to think That we were so special Because we were saved," Jean said. "God is a loving God," Jean shared. "If you turn over your pain to Him, He will pull you through it. He will heal your heart." After living in Pennsylvania for a season, Dan and Jean are back in New York, enjoying life in a small town. "Once again, Jesus brought us to a new place of blessing," Jean wrote to CBN News . "We are finally home, and it feels wonderful."  
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