
A Muslim woman turns to Jesus after seeing the Lord in a dream.


As a young girl, she had questions about God. But being born in a family which practiced Islam, asking questions was taboo. In Iran, she could not do that at all. “God you are complicated,” she said in what was a crying prayer to God as a teenager. She wanted to know the real God. “I dream that Jesus and I were walking in a rose garden and we were walking. In the dream I thought he was a prophet,” she recollected. “Do you want to follow me?” Jesus asked her. She said “Yes.” But she wondered how she could follow someone who she was told was only a prophet many years ago. After she moved to the US, she desparately wanted to experience the joy and peace of Christians. She went to a church and was told that Jesus was God. “Did he say that?” she asked the person in the church. “Yes,” was the answer. She then prayed the salvation prayer. “Things just started changing. That heavy heart was gone, completely gone. It was like the Lord took the rock out permanently from my heart. He put a permanent hope in me,” she said. In due course, she got many dreams. Her mother also believed in Jesus. Her sisters too believed in the Lord. She has an advice to Muslims: “Have an open heart to allow Jesus to come in. Then you will know if he is God.”

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