Today’s meditation is taken from “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? “Romans 10:14
I grew up in a Christian family and heard lot of gospel messages since childhood but what about the people who don’t know about the Christ? Apostle Paul clearly making statement here. Since the gospel is good news for all, we must proclaim it to all. But question is are we really sharing the good news to the world?
We have people around family, relatives, friends, colleague, and neighbors etc., who have no knowledge of Jesus Christ. They all are looking for God who can save them. Yet we do not share the one message that will change their life and eternity. We know the truth, but we keep it a secret. Most often because we are afraid of rejection, or we fear we do not know enough, or we fear that the people we talk to may ask us a question that we cannot answer. But in the end, because of our silence, many lives perished just like that. We are more worried about our pride, fear , status and ego than the spiritual condition of the people around us.
As long as there are billions of people that have never heard that news, we must commit ourselves to getting the good news to them. There is an African proverb, “There is only one crime worse than murder on the desert, and that is to know where the water is and not tell.” We know where the water is! We’ve got the greatest news in the world: God forgives every sinner who trusts in Jesus as Lord and Savior! We’ve got to tell everyone.
Let’s take a step and begin praying for the salvation of your family or friends. Pray for opportunities to talk to them about the Savior. Reach out to the People who are in searching for God .
Lets Pray , Lord , Thank you for the salvation, please help me to share good news to others and help me to lead people in to Christ … Amen !
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In Christ,
Shekinah Youth