
Governor of Jakarta, Basuki Puranama, accused of blasphemy. Pray for this former Sunday School teacher-turned-politician.


Islamic extremists often use their blasphemy laws as a weapon to gain advantage over their adversaries--imagined or real. Many times innocent Christians are the victims. And now in so-called moderate Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country in the world, police have charged the governor of Jakarta with blasphemy, according to CBN. In an historic first, Christian Basuki Purnama was appointed governor of Jakarta in 2014. Now he's campaigning to be elected to the position and eventually he may run to become Indonesia's first Christian president. That is unheard of in a Muslim country because many Muslims believe non-Muslims (infidels) must not be allowed to govern the affairs of Muslims. Governor Basuki says this belief (not the Koranic verse itself) is a distorted view, a misinterpretation of the Koran. For that, he may go to prison. Pray for him.
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