
Will it be Trump or Hillary? On Billy Graham’s 98th birthday, his son Franklin Graham has called people to pray for the nation

On Billy Graham’s 98th birthday, his son Franklin Graham has called people to pray for the nation

It’s Billy Graham’s 98th birthday and his son well-known evangelist Franklin Graham has asked that people across the United States pray for the nation on November 7, a day before the presidential elections. Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump are battling it out to make it to the White House. “Does prayer work? You betcha. The Bible tells us that “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much" (James 5:16). Jesus also tells us to “keep asking” and gives us an example in a parable in Luke chapter 18 of a widow who repeatedly went to a judge asking for justice, and finally the judge responded because of her persistence. Our pleas and our petitions do make a difference,” he said on his FB. Franklin Graham said: “I have gone to all 50 states this year, and tens of thousands people have joined me in their capitals to pray for the future of this nation. It is imperative that we continue to pray. As we approach November 8—and beyond—we need to “cry out to God day and night” (Luke 18:7).”
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