
Daily Devotion : Are You Living According To God's Will ?

Good Morning …! Praise the LORD …!

Today’s meditation is taken from John 6:38 “I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me”

Every day we make lot of decisions concerning various matters in the work place and in our relations. What you are now is because the thousands of decisions that you have made in the various situations of life in past life. Our decisions in the various situations of life will determine the future.

As a believers, we should be very conscious while taking any decisions in life, but question is how to take a decision and on what basis?
Jesus gave excellent answer to that “I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me”. We have to take decisions based on the God’s will not on our own will.

Many times we take decisions in our lives either to please ourselves or others but we don’t consider that the decision will please God or not that’s the reason many times we end up in wrong side in the sight of God, We have to deny our self will and obey God’s will as Jesus did in his entire life on this earth.

Grow spiritually is not something that comes through one encounter with God. It doing God's will consistently day after day, your actions and decisions should reflect your faith in Christ to others.

Yes, it’s very hard to know the will of God in every situation of life and to do according to it but remember it’s not impossible if you allow him in every situation of your life.

Even though we know the God’s will in few situations still we are not so convinced to do according to it because it might be against to your will or it involves suffering or it ask you to leave comfort zone, but scripture says “For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil” 1 peter 3:17

 Jesus Christ wants the Father’s will to be accomplished in you and His will for you is bigger than you!

Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Remember when you are praying that God will open and close doors along the way. When God opens a door walk through it. When God closes a door; do not open it back up. Make your plan as though God will bless it and then execute it. He will reveal to you what He wants for you and don’t ever forget that His grace is sufficient for whatever comes and his plan is BIG for you! That’s a promise! Amen!

Question you have to today “Am I living according to God’s will?”


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For any prayer requests and feedback Mail us:  shekinahyouth77@gmail.com

In Christ,
Shekinah Youth

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